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Libro de poemas ”100 Gedichte” Till Lindemann

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New poems by Till Lindemann, the singer of the band “Rammstein”

Till Lindemann is known as the singer and lyricist of the band “Rammstein”. But he has also been writing poetry for over 20 years. His short, incisive poems hit the reader directly, surprising and rattling us. The poems circumscribe Till Lindemann’s cosmos of themes in constantly new and original variations, often calling to mind traditions of German poetry since Romanticism: Nature. The body. Loneliness. Violence. Love. Evil. Animals. Pain. Beauty. Language. Death. Sex ... Till Lindemann plays with the classic poetic forms of verse, folk songs, counting rhymes and ballads, always finding his very own tone, which also includes humor and irony. After “Messer” and “In stillen Nächten,” a remarkable new collection of poems – not just for Rammstein fans.

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